【安防知识网】百万像素和高清视频监控设备的增长和应用,将成为至2014年前视频监控设备市场发展最为关键的趋势之一。IMS Research通过最新发布的“全球模拟视频监控和视频监控市场,2010年版”报告中指出,到2014年将有超过50%的在售网络摄像机达到高清与百万像素的分辨率。
“HDcctv摄像机将在短期内将不会影响IP摄像机的成长”,研究报告的撰写者、视频监控研究分析师Gary Wong总结道,“许多大型和知名的视频监控设备厂商已纷纷投入大量的资金开发和销售网络摄像机。在不久的将来,这些供应商调整他们的技术方法和营销信息来容纳HDcctv产品进入他们的产品组合的可能性很小“。知名品牌对HDcctv的曝光力度的不足将对HDcctv设备在企业级项目中的销售不利。尽管如此,HDcctv摄像机仍然潜在地制约着网络摄像机市场增长。Wong继续说道,“HDcctv可获得低收入和中等收入的市场份额。服务这部分市场安全系统的多为一些较小的、地方和区域性的安全系统安装商,他们对网络摄像机认知度较少。而HDcctv则允许工程商可以在不必超出他们知识能力范围的传统技术领域里就能为客户提供高清的便利。
尽管HDcctv存在这些潜在的影响, 但是IMS Research预测到2014年高清和百万像素网络摄像机全球出货量将超过HDcctv,销售比达6:1。
[nextpage]【原文】 The growth and adoption of megapixel and high definition (HD) video surveillance equipment is one of the key trends shaping the video surveillance market towards 2014. According to IMS Research’s latest report, “The World Market for CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment – 2010 Edition”, by 2014 more than 50% of all network cameras shipped will be HD or megapixel resolution.
One of the main benefits of network security cameras has been the availability of megapixel (and more recently HD) resolutions, a feature that until recently analogue video surveillance products had been unable to offer. However, recent developments from the HDcctv Alliance, the organisation responsible for developing the high definition over coax standard (based on the industry HD-SDI broadcast standard), could see end-users given a greater choice when specifying megapixel and HD surveillance requirements.
Whilst a high proportion of new, enterprise-class projects are implementing network video security, existing video surveillance installations, which are predominantly analogue, still represent a majority of the installed base. It is this sector of the market which will be most interesting in the coming years; will customers reuse their existing analogue infrastructure and invest in HDcctv, transition to network security cameras, or adopt a hybrid system?
There appears to be little disagreement between protagonists of high definition video surveillance that video surveillance systems are transitioning from analogue video to networked systems; however, there is discord regarding the system topology needed to achieve this. For customers looking to capture high definition and megapixel video, this can be done using a “pure” network video solution or by using an HDcctv analogue video surveillance solution that brings the data onto the network using an Ethernet enabled DVR.
“HDcctv cameras will not impact the uptake of IP cameras in the short term”, states report author and video surveillance research analyst Gary Wong. “Many large and well-known vendors of video surveillance equipment have already invested heavily in developing and marketing network security cameras. It is unlikely that these vendors will adjust their technology roadmaps and marketing messages to accommodate HDcctv products into their product portfolios in the near future”. The lack of recognised brand exposure will prove detrimental to HDcctv equipment sales at the enterprise-class project level. However, HDcctv cameras could potentially limit the available market for network security cameras. Wong continues, “HDcctv may gain traction in the low and middle segments of the market. These market segments are serviced by small, local and regional security systems installers who have generally been slow to embrace network security cameras. HDcctv allows installers to offer the benefits of HD to their customers without having to operate outside of their technical comfort zone”.
Despite the potential impact of HDcctv, IMS Research forecasts that by 2014 worldwide shipments of HD and megapixel network security cameras will outnumber sales of HDcctv cameras by a factor of 6 to 1.